You Can Feel Working!
Your Best Epigenetic Solution Ever
Grab your lab coat and we’ll give you the tour.

Episode 1

Go Beyond Your DNA With EPIGENO™ Today!
With the rise of epigenetics, scientists have discovered that genes and epigenetic regulation determine lifespan length. The code of the epigenome (Epi-GENO) is the key to anti-aging strategies.

NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide), the cornerstone of anti-aging, an essential component of the epigenetic code, paving the way for the new era of anti-aging.

Go Beyond Your DNA With EPIGENOToday!

EPIGENO Boosters

Well-crafted, Flagship, and Cutting-Edge Anti-Aging Solution.

Unleash the Transformative Power of years of research.

Longevitan® uses EpiNutriGenetics to deliver powerful, age-defying nutrients with EPIGENOBoosters straight to your cells, for maximum cellular, genetics benefits.


If you are looking for a daily supplement on the vanguard of longevity research

With studies validating the well-being and vibrant energy it produces – and you’d like to see very methodical and observable results in your life, then EPIGENO Recharge+ is always going to be your best choice. Place your trust in our signature revolutionary EPIGENORecharget, designed to bolster your well-being and illuminate the path to a healthier, more vibrant you. Discover the multifaceted advantages of EPIGENORecharget for your well-being.

Health Challenges Ahead?

Longevitan® EPIGENO RECHARGE+, NAD+ Supplementation to the Rescue!

NAD+ is not just a molecule; it's a critical regulator of the epigenetic code and an essential coenzyme, involved in over 500 vital biochemical reactions in your body. It serves as a trusted cofactor for numerous epigenetic enzymes and plays a pivotal role in overseeing the function of longevity-promoting proteins known as Sirtuins, making it an indispensable player in the aging process. As we journey through life, NAD+ levels take a natural dip with each passing year, triggering a cascade of consequences. This decline contributes to mitochondrial dysfunction, cellular wear and tear, and the relentless march of time. Factors like stress, demanding schedules, sleep deprivation, and emotional strains accelerate this depletion, leaving us vulnerable to a host of health challenges. But the good news is that understanding the critical role of NAD+ in our health and well-being empowers us to take proactive steps to restore and maintain our cellular vitality. By prioritizing NAD+ support, we can help combat the aging process and build a healthier future.
Activity / Level
Mitochondrial Function
Vital, Epigenetic Regulator, Coenzyme.
Aging & NAD+:
Natural Decline, Consequences.
Health Challenges Ahead.

Recharge Your Life with the game-changing NAD+ precursor, NR:Where Age is Just a Number!

NAD+ is the linchpin of countless vital functions in the human body, but its substantial molecular structure poses a challenge for effective absorption. Enter Nicotinamide Riboside (NR), acknowledged by the scientific community as a natural precursor to NAD+, and a key player in NAD+ biosynthesis through the "salvage pathway."
Clinical studies have unveiled a profound transformation: just six weeks of daily oral NR supplementation significantly boosts NAD+ levels in blood cells, supercharges mitochondrial function, and quells cellular inflammatory factors.

NR introduces a game-changing, efficient, and side-effect-free route to elevate NAD+ levels:


Cellular Access

NAD+ and NMN, both sizable mol......

Cellular Access

NAD+ and NMN, both sizable molecules, struggle to permeate cell membranes directly. In contrast, NR is a nimble, small molecule that glides effortlessly into cells, ensuring swift absorption.

No Side Effects

While Niacin supplementation f......

No Side Effects

While Niacin supplementation for NAD+ can bring about side effects like skin flushing, burning sensations, and itching, NMN raises concerns regarding potential cancer risks. NR, on the other hand, stands out as the safe and side-effect-free choice.

Positive Cellular Impact

Niacinamide (NAM), another nia......

Positive Cellular Impact

Niacinamide (NAM), another niacin derivative, may inadvertently hinder other crucial cellular functions while enhancing NAD+. In contrast, NR actively promotes positive cellular functions and kick-starts the activation of longevity factors.

Powerful Synergy for Anti-Aging & Energy Inside Our Proprietary Formula:

Nicotinamide Riboside
A more reliable NAD+ precursor, NR efficiently supplements NAD+ and revitalizes your energy.
The high-performance version of resveratrol, empower NAD+, reinvigorates mitochondrial vitality enhancing, and synergistically activates SIRTUIN.
Superb antioxidant, maximize NR cellular utilization, mitochondrial repair, and DNA restoration.
Intracellular Oxidative Damage Repair, Enhanced NR Phosphorylation as well as NAD+ Conversion, and AMPK Synergy
Element Description

NR(Nicotinamide Riboside)

NR has been clinically proven to support optimal cellular function and overall well-being BEYOND what a healthy lifestyle can achieve alone.

Research Confirms NR Supplementation's Impact: Elevating NAD+ Levels, Influencing Epigenetics, and Enhancing Aging Gracefully. Preclinical and Clinical Evidence Suggest NR's Potential to Ameliorate Age-Related Phenotypes, Boost Mitochondrial Function, and Prolong Lifespan—A Milestone in Epigenetic Regulation and Aging Research.


Pterostilbene, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound found in foods like blueberries, studies have shown that pterostilbene can directly influence gene expression and slow down aging-related processes.

Scientific research highlights the potential of pterostilbene to positively impact epigenetic regulation and aging. Notably, studies reveal that pterostilbene can effectively modulate diverse epigenetic mechanisms, encompassing DNA methylation and histone modifications, thereby influencing gene expression and aging-related pathways.

Furthermore, pterostilbene exhibits strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, underscoring its potential to bolster overall well-being and potentially decelerate the aging process.


Proanthocyanidins, natural compounds abundant in fruits and plant-based foods, stand as nature's guardians of health. Their impressive benefits encompass cellular well-being and epigenetic regulation.

Through their robust antioxidant properties, act as powerful defenders against oxidative stress. Studies have demonstrated their ability to neutralize harmful free radicals, reducing cell damage and safeguarding overall health.

Known to enhance the cellular uptake and utilization of nicotinamide riboside (NR), a precursor to NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). This optimization of NR utilization promotes increased NAD+ levels, which are essential for various cellular processes, including energy metabolism and DNA repair.

With shown promising potential in mitochondrial repair, they help restore the function and integrity of these energy-producing powerhouses within our cells. Studies highlight their role in promoting healthy mitochondria, which is crucial for overall cellular health.

Through their involvement in DNA methylation and other epigenetic mechanisms, proanthocyanidins plays a role in maintaining the integrity and stability of our genetic code, which is vital for optimal cellular function and longevity.


Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant found in tomatoes and other red-hued fruits, has demonstrated a remarkable ability to repair intracellular oxidative damage. A study published in the "Journal of Antioxidants" revealed that lycopene effectively reduces oxidative stress within cells, contributing to the repair of cellular damage, and promoting overall cellular health and longevity.

Lycopene has been shown to play a role in optimizing the phosphorylation of nicotinamide riboside (NR), leading to an increased conversion of NR to NAD+ within cells. This elevation in NAD+ levels is vital for various cellular processes, energy metabolism, and aging regulation, supported by robust scientific evidence.

Lycopene exhibits a unique synergy with AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), a central regulator of cellular energy metabolism. Research showcases the ability of lycopene to enhance NAD+ conversion, thereby activating AMPK. This collaborative action supports optimal cellular energy balance, potentially contributing to extended longevity and overall vitality.